Signo search a different servicel among the agents of the Property Intellectual in the market, excelling for seriousness and safety.

Unlike many agents of the market, our philosophy one consists of guiding the customer not to accomplish expenses with requests of marks, whose success chances are minimum.

It is habitual the accomplishment of marks' searches. In case of subsequent interferences, these will only happen previously by conversations established between our attendance and the customer. Remember that the agents of the industrial property can just answer for the code of ethics of INPI. Always demand the agent's identification.

So that is avoided the need of incursions to the Judiciary System, most of the times, slow and costly.

Signo counts with lawyers with thirty years of experience to act in the Juridical Area - Commercial Right -, accomplishing searches and apprehensions, investigations in the area of inventions, transfers of marks, contracts of cessions of copyrights and much more.

It is important to point out that we don't charge for accompaniment of processes. It is free, safe and it doesn't create commercial entails, since such information are public.

Take a look at some services:

Open door for information. Books, interviews, and all kind of material associated to the Intellectual Property. It is also possible to access site or the authors' e-mails.

Free search, with no identification. Fill out the form. If you prefer, use our telephone and the search will be faster.

Unpublished session, with on line service, in the area of Industrial Property. The customer has access to all processes of marks and patents' request. The interneter can follow the process' requests ­ gets an identification and password. Know our system.

Session where the interneter get all available information to communicate with Signo. By internet and telephone, solve your doubts.

Social responsibility is the globalization of the civil society. Signo open space for no profitable projects. Take a look.

Where you can talk with us - with an appointment - done to minimize the costs and to make possible the virtual encounter.

See works susceptible to authorial protection, just to know some intellectual creations. There are access to clips, films, and much more.

Further Informations: